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A Spiritual Smorgasbord => Relationships => Topic started by: guest88 on Aug 01, 2018 07:04 am

Title: Praise and Criticism
Post by: guest88 on Aug 01, 2018 07:04 am
Day in and day out is a constant effort to seek God and Live with God in the present.
Nothing else matters. I believe God exist in all of us and this means to provide a loving service to friends, family and acquaintances. Knowing the folly of our nature and the fact not every soul is awake to the splendor of God, it is easy to become dismissive of His creation! This is a trap... So Day in and day out, a constant effort is made to seek God and Live with God in the present- see his Face! Nothing else matters. It isn't always easy. Ego is constantly messing this up. And sometimes, friends will give praise because they admire traits of God when sharing together. The problem is, they associate your name with these traits and speak with praise and affection. This is a trap! The next day, you find you are still seeking God and now receiving criticism from the very friends who gave praise! We may not always be at our best as individual's, we do try though. What I am getting at is,
It doesn't matter how good you are or how far you are progressing to your friends or anyone else but God alone. If someone wants to compliment you on your journey home  remind them what they admire is in fact dwelling in themselves. Now you've helped this Soul wake up to their true nature! Yet all the Love or Hatred another see's or feel's towards you is but a reflection of their own capacity for these things. Do not lose sight of God when someone wishes to admire you or bring you in their realm and label you this or that- even if that someone is your flesh and blood! It is noble to Love other's, it is equally important to remain aloof with just about anyone- Why? Because we are all drowning in maya.
It IS possible to Love other's and rise above the drama they'd unknowingly or willingly pull you into. Understanding we're all equal with a unique path, sometimes others want us to follow them on their path because they think it's best or it will make THEM feel better... No, don't turn this person away- value them for the love in their heart and pray for understanding on both parties! It is possible to love someone and go your own way- you needn't feel guilty if someone chooses to walk away or speak harshly to you!
IF we can dissolve ourselves, these conflicts wouldn't be our conflicts... they'd be for the one's who give themselves the identity! Love yourself, love others, pray and meditate.
Thank one for their praise and remind them what they admire isn't you but in fact God who exist in them. If you can't do this, pray for this realization.
Pray for the one who is overly critical towards you.
IN BOTH CASES, it's best not to give much thought to words of affection or words of condemnation as means of association and simply walk away....
I believe it is possible to have an aloofness in our relationships and still feel the divine love God radiates for all of his creation.

Do not expect other's to understand, do not force them either, do feel them with your heart. You can't control others nor can you remove all the bad in the world- YOU CAN focus on goodness, you can Love them even when it hurts, you can Love always... Even when it doesn't make sense to anyone! And remember,
these words, positive or negative, can not hold you down.

Let it flow~ <3 <3 <3 Let it go~ <3 <3 <3