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A Spiritual Smorgasbord => Zen Moments Golden With Awareness => Topic started by: guest88 on Dec 08, 2019 05:07 pm

Title: meeting aspects of the same being
Post by: guest88 on Dec 08, 2019 05:07 pm
in truth we are one. as we evolve we begin to see it. i would say we are even rewarded very personal experiences for the sake of such recognition. i feel this has happened to me, and in the process, it knocked me back a couple steps. i met a woman who i believe, essentially, is a part of me. i believe i was shown that i had a love for her in the past. upon meeting her all these dreams and very interesting things started happening- like i was receiving some information which she was able to stir as activity within in order to help me grow. unfortunately now our time is up and we are separated again. it's what she wants anyways. she'd ask me not to create a connection. even in my dream she told me she wasn't interested. yet i know deep down we are a part of the same being. it has thrown me off base because i am now forced to deal with things from the past after her having activate the sight. i believe i was an abusive and promiscuous alcoholic and i had repressed things in myself and neglected others. thanks to the meditative efforts in this life, the guru experiences, the teachings of sufism and other pantheistic wisdoms i believe i am being blessed with the opportunity to work through these moments. i even have a few spiritual friends who relate, this forum being one such blessing. i am ready to pick myself back up, the other blessing is that spirit has whispered through me exactly what would happen and what is happening during this entire process- even still, the emotional turbulence was greater than simply being able to brush it aside because the attachment was much deeper than i realized and i found myself wondering in a bit of darkness and causing further harm to myself and spreading the drama. i do believe that has been mitigated thanks to the preparation on her behalf and the precognitive dreams from spirit and now that i am able to see things clearly i hope to continue onwards...

when it comes to soul mates or soul family, i don't necessarily think it's a romantic thing. my soul mate thinks she has to be interested in me for it to be so, but we are all soul mates. we all belong to one god. there was something about her that told me we were the same being and that at our current level of progress(we both are working on our spiritual progress) i was able to receive these very unique revelation/experiences. because i felt intense love and attraction towards her(she is physically, emotionally and mentally attractive) and i wanted a romantic relationship it may have hindered a bit of the energetic transference as far as being able to see things mutually. although, i think she knows and now i know- she wants me to go my own way.
so i will... it really hurts, but this hurt is a lot deeper than just being rejected by a woman... it's because i have a strong attachment developed from lifetimes. but i have been told i am supposed to love those who enter my consciousness and not let the past fester up in a negative way but to release it because i am meant to share the love with many...

kind regards.

Title: Re: meeting aspects of the same being
Post by: Jitendra Hy-do-u-no-us? on Dec 09, 2019 09:33 am
Your revelations are truly inspiring. The ingenious nature of your testimonies makes one want to aspire to the same honesty and openness. I guess I don’t know where it all will take us on our spiritual journey but I now have more of a capacity to understand the value and gifts that come with people I meet. I am afraid I was unable to recognize that as a youth or young adult. It comes with some serious consequences. But we have no choice but to move forward and not dwell on a past we cannot change. Sometimes are active imagination opens us up to new vistas of understanding and we suddenly realize many things we were not aware of in the past. It’s like certain doors in our mind and 💜 heart open and we are able to see much clearer.

Sometimes we do not seem to be getting anywhere in meditation but then suddenly like a bolt out of the blue...we are inundated with a flood of inspiration and realizations. At these times it feels possible to do things that at other times felt out of reach and we were not able to break out of the boundaries of our imagined limitations.